Why Choose Promolux

All the Savvy retailers choose Promolux for fresh food lighting solutions. And here’s why should you too!

Increased sales of your stores through outstanding colour definition with the most saturated fresh and natural colours for food display lighting in grocery stores

Our food-specific LED lamps are powered by currents of less than 50mA compared to other brands that use currents of up to 1000mA.

We use a patented colour formula specified by major retailers worldwide, our lamps maintain their efficiency longer, consume less energy than alternative lamps, and are best used in fresh food departments where extraordinary colour presentation is critical.

If you don’t like our product, we come with a payback guarantee of 90 days or less.

Our Fresh Food-led display lighting is available in all fluorescent sizes and LED systems.

We are the No.1 choice for worldwide retailers when it comes to fresh food lighting and are highly preferred by OEMs.

Promolux is a Fresh Food-led display lighting brand worth investing ‘ cause we are well received and appreciated by retailers worldwide for our top-of-the-range services and products.

We are always keen to develop customized solutions for our retailers by using our latest technology products.


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